Main Features
- Consultation of informative and service contents
- Sale assistant
- Display of promotional messages and advertisement
- Booking of services
- Online surfing
- Electronic payments
Application Fields
- Shopping centres, supermarkets, shops
- Banks, offices, showrooms
- Museums, railway stations, airports
- Cinemas, theatres, gyms, places of entertainment
- Hotels, holiday villages, holiday cruisers
Integrable Hardware
- Touchscreen from 15 to 65”
- Fanless Mini PC
- Anti-vandalism keyboard with trackball
- Thermal printer
- Laser printer
- Proximity sensor
- Smartcard reader
- Contactless NFC/RFID reader
- Barcode/QR code reader
- Documents scanner
- Webcam
- Microphone
- Speakers
- Available in several versions, to be placed on the ground or on the wall
- Colour chosen by the customer
- Personalization with customer’s logo/graphics
- “Customized” planning and design